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Tuesday, December 30, 2003

sigh glob.. it's not disgusting mon anymore but it's creepy crawling tuesday.. why is today moving so slowly?! shoo shoo... go quickly tues... i wanna sleep..
*yawnz* fr now on i muz report for work at 830.. boss's idea to a great new start to the new yr.. sigh.. i dunno wat to say abt this.. except tt i hafta wake up earlier!!! argh....... time, pls fly by.. let next fri come quickly!!!
ok.. i do sound whiny huh.. haha..
tmr's NY eve!! but i hafta gif tuition again.. juz as i did on xmas eve.. but it's ok.. if i do get a half day, i can go back, teach for all they want (remind jing jing the difference btn FORK n FROG while making sure he doesnt say F*CK, n mr li the difference btn LI n NI!! he went "ABSOnUTEnY" yest..), n den drop dead on my bed till 6... den ktv... IF.. as boss is apparently unhappy w the discipline here, he might not agree to the half day.. boo..
hmmm... dunno why but suddenly feel very empty.. as in, the kind o emptiness when u dunno wat's goin on in ur life, where u r heading, wat will become o u.. haha.. weird huh.. i swear i was juz feelin sleepy a few mins ago.. hmm... mayb cos a new yr's abt to begin ba.. n i am still the same as how i am currently.. no changes in wat-eva-u-noe-wat-i-am-talkin-abt status, still the same old little me.. sigh.. how am i to progress into the new yr w no changes in me?? but then again, it seems i haf been moving on wout really movin on.. i turned fr 18 to 19, 19 to 20.. with no changes! gosh..
i dunno.. mayb it's time for a new hair style.. haha.. of cos this isn't the solution.. i am juz .. confused.. lesly was saying she felt lonely tt day.. act we all do feel lonely.. i do too.. sometimes, esp the times, when i start thinkin tt all my close frens r attached n no one will celebrate anythin w me anymore, i get really sad.. haha.. like xmas for eg.. i was fretting over how to celebrate it.. n it ended up being a weird celebration.. sigh.. nah.. i shall forget abt it..
i juz hope tt new yr's eve will be good.. with beatiful moments to savour n bring w me to 2004, i dun think i will feel lonely very soon in the near future.. hee.. *crosses fingers* n mayb being the same old boring me isn't THAT bad after all.......
8th day to the end o PA................ =)

~bao~ caught a falling star on 12/30/2003 02:26:00 PM.


A good looking woman with brains, a very interesting person. She has a fast
movement and she could not sit still or stand still long. She is able to do
many things at the same time and do it fast. If you date her, you will feel
like dating many women at the same time. You can not tie her down with the
word "Love" because she cares about love but is it not a major factor of her
life. You have to be able to adjust yourself to get along with her many
different characters.

She is a dreamer and has many dreams. She eager to learn something new all
the time. Even she is the 2 in 1 mixed character type, she is quite lucky in
love. You have to put all your efforts to win her affection. Even when she
likes you and wonder about your wit, she will also see and inspect your bad
side at the same time, because it is in her nature.

She able to keep all kinds of mixed emotions without annoying you or letting
you know at all. She can cheer you up by acting like a free little bird. Her
conversation will not bored you. She able to talk to you in any subjects.
She can make you feel like you are the luckiest man alive. She can make you
feel like she needs all your care, but once she needs to stand alone, she
can stand alone firmly an comfortably.

She can be your best buddy and talk to you about anything. She can join all
your activities with the same energy that you have. She is a quick wit
person and learn new things very fast. She can see your projects and she can
give you good advice. If she thinks you are not sure that you want her for
yourself, she will act like your best friend only, a cool woman.

She can easily make a guy fall in love with her. Her multiple changes and
many moods is a "Charm" for many men. She can be laughing for 2 minutes and
later suddenly quiet. She wants to find only 1 true love and she wants to
meet her dream guy. She expects a lot and nearly too much. She is constantly
waiting for her knight shinning armor even she is with a steady boy friend.
She can fall in love or fond of someone else while she is with you. If you
break up with her, she will forget you quite fast, because change is in her
nature. The Gemini woman breaks more heart than woman in other Zodiac.
Because she is a dreamer and always waiting for her knight shinning armor
,so her love life can be complex or a mess.

She hates to write a long letter, so if you write her a letter and expect a
prompt reply, forget it. Because she has a multiple personality and multiple
ideas, so she hates to put them down in written proof. Because she knows
what she belief today can be different tomorrow.

She could communication with more than 1 languages , a real gifted
linguistic. If she wants to tell you any bad comments, she won't say it
straight away, but she will talk to you about many other things and
accidentally come to that subject without offending you. Normally she will
not lie.

She will work hard and once a while take a long rest. She can get bored and
tired with her own surrounding more than at work. She never feel content
with her present work, money, or reputations, she will drive to have more.
Don't ask her what is her ultimate contentment for she will not have an

Once you get to know her, she will be a supportive person and always be
beside you. She has a beautiful dream and she loves to have someone walk
side by side with her, together and equally.

~bao~ caught a falling star on 12/30/2003 09:16:00 AM.

Monday, December 29, 2003

playing footsie
footsie - you like to goof around and laugh with
the people you care about.

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

~bao~ caught a falling star on 12/29/2003 02:43:00 PM.

hey hey glob!!! it's disgusting mon but guess wat.. i dun feel tt disgusted.. haha.. mayb cos it's only 9 days to the end o PA?!!? or mayb it's cos i had a good weekend?! hee...
*yawnz* i'm sleepy after lunch.. hmm.. lata got boring tuition.. but soon it'll be NY eve!!!! which means hols!!! haha... i love hols!! will be goin for ktv w my rspid frens on the 31st.. cool.. i'm sure it'll be fun!! but i juz hope tt it wun be too ex n i wun be too broke!! we'll be singing till like 2 am?! gosh.. i can smell my pocket burning..
ok la.. betta get back to my survey.. sigh.. n glob, i'm NOT treating u as a boredom-reliever k.. it's only cos i cant log in at home.. u'll understand rite.. hee....
9th day to the end o PA........

~bao~ caught a falling star on 12/29/2003 01:37:00 PM.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

hi glob... can't believe i act took a day off fr work yest!!! but i am soo glad i did.. haha.. went for a meeting w the rspid comm on mon n they were juz bragging abt all the fun they had at kids' world!! aww.. n ithey had a shortage o volunteers for the next day, so... i called ken n he agreed to let me off w no questions or watsoeva!! i think ken is sooo nice.. haha.. n ya, i had so much fun!! we went to marina south to fly kites n haha.. i ran like a mad woman, trying to fly a kite i named Ming Ku w the little boy (eng hong) i was taking care o.. silly ming ku refused to fly n was even trampled on by another gal.. n eng hong.. haha.. he is juz so cute.. trying to act like a xiao da ren... silly little boy.. =)
den i decided to be funny, so i carried this little gal on my back n started swinging her ard... gosh.. it went.. erh.. a little out o control.. haha.. so we fell.. but in the split sec b4 we hit the floor, i flung the gal in such a way tt she wld land on me as we fall to the ground.. n boy, she did land on me.. but her stomach hit my big butt first.. she went into a state o shock n i did too.. to see her clutching her stomach w no expression for like 6 secs?! everyone ran towards us, n she finally laughed (phew) when i apologized on my butt's behalf.. as she went off, i realised i was the one who's truly injured!! haha.. i pulled my hemstring.. n i couldn't stand up.. so, the crowd gathered back ard me once again n i was juz laughing in pain on the grass.. haha.. FUN!!
after tt i rushed down for my kaizen gathering.. haha.. here's the exciting part!! i was juz joking to the gals tt i like this couple key chain n tt they shld let the person who likes me noe abt it.. n then... kimmy said that there is one!! haha... supposedly her fren in hall one saw my photo n decided to like me.. hahaa.. this is funny.. he doesn' even noe me.. n i swear, the photo he saw o me was the absolutely ugly one!!!! weird.. kimmy told me to go look at her friendster page n i saw him.. he's supposedly very nice.. hee..
but anw, i've juz decided tt i wun be a good gf.. i dunno why oso leh.. juz this feeling.. hmm.. mayb cos i can't focus on juz one person?!!? haha.. mayb my frens can enlighten me.. =)
ok.. shall stop here.. it's xmas eve!!!!! cool!! 10th day to the end o PA..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 12/24/2003 11:45:00 AM.

Monday, December 22, 2003

hey glob.. it's disgusting monday again.. haha.. n i haven bot my gift exchange present for kaizen tmr.. best.. shall try to sneak away during the ID meeting later to go buy.. hee..
anw!! i had a very good weekend, glob.. sat was the xmas celebration for our trainees n as i followed the bus to drop them home one by one, i was sooo glad to hear them exclaiming tt they were very happy.. it doesn't matter tt they were all mimicking the person who started saying it.. (i think it was chen sze..) anyhow, they were high!! =)
n sun was another wonderful day.. i met up w dear peijin whom i haven seen in a long long while.. haha.. n i was late for half an hr.. oops.. but it was like the old days.. where she'd pull my hand as we walk along the shops n we'd end up hooking our pinkies or somethin like tt.. haha.. it's juz so nice n comfortable.. there was no particular agenda n we were juz walking ard, tryin on clothes n attemptin to sha1 jia4 for the clothes tt we werent really gonna buy.. i miss my pj..
in the evening i met up w my lovely lesly, n dear linian whom i haven seen for a longer period o time.. boy she is thinner than me now! but she still looks good la.. haha... we watched nu ren xi, had a good laugh at the last show (cos it was juz full o pui-ing o water n giggling fr the actresses w no dialogue) n talked abt anythin n everythin.. we even arranged to meet on xmas!! haha.. now i wun be lonely.. yay!!
althou i had so much fun, i went home w a headache.. =( it felt like a lump o gooey stuff in the front o my head, pushing everythin down to the bridge o my nose.. it was sooo sooo uncomfortable.. i went to sleep, but was awakened by the pain at 5 plus.. so i had to get up n take panadol.. gosh.. wat a horrible sleep i had.. n i had the weirdest dream.. hee.. i dreamt tt i had to go fetch the trainees for our ID session, but we were in the stone age!! i had to climb caves, cross wooden bridges hanging on 2 tall cliffs, n even escape fr dinosaurs!!! haha.. juz to bring them to ID.. i hid in a fridge to hide fr the dinos.. dun ask me why there r fridges in some caves.. n the dino ate the person hiding in the next fridge.. but not me.. phew.. n Mr S was in my dream, n he was there to save me!! haha.. wat a funny dream.. i think it got sparked off cos lesly was telling me tt she wants to go climbing n bag-packing..
anw, my lesly isn't very happy now.. she is troubled.. hmmm.. dear lesly, dun think the worst o urself n things k.. no matter how one person looks at u, as long as u noe ur true self, u shldn't let tt person belittle u.. i noe it's hard cos we take pple's opinions o us very strongly.. but u r worth a lot more in all o us... ok ok?!?! be happy lesly..
wow.. wat a long entry.. ok.. think i shall go start on my survey soon.. 12th day to the end o PA..
may monday go by soon..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 12/22/2003 10:31:00 AM.

Friday, December 19, 2003

hi... it's a sad day... i got my results.. sigh.. n they r bad.. it's the sinking feeling tt's hitting me... u noe, the feeling o somethin hitting the pit o ur stomach?
but i am feeling better.. i guess.. all my frens are here for me.. so wat's there to be sad abt rite?! =) wat a good way to console myself.. or mayb i am tired o being sad.. o being a drag.. haha..
i had a good idea o wat to write initially... but when it comes to actually writing in u, blog, i am stuck. i wonder why.. anw... can i name u glob?! haha.. ok! ur name shall be glob then.. hi glob!! (decided in a matter o seconds on the spot.. an't i creative?! haha... )
i think tt is the problem with me.. i simply can't decide if i want to be sad or not.. i mean.. i am SUPPOSED to be sad.. with this kind o results.. but i can still laugh.. erm.. haha.. i dun think i am puttin this across in an understandable way.. hmmm.. how shall i say it? as in, i can choose to be sad... which i feel tt i shld BE... but somehow, i can forget to be sad... n once i recall it, the bottom o my stomach is hit again..
ok.. mayb i am not making much o a sense... anyhow.. i will keep in mind o my lousy results cos i need to punish myself.. to make myself sad once in a while.. n to remind myself o how lousy i can be.. but i'll go on being cheerful.. haha.. bcos it's so tiring being sad..
alrighty glob.. think i shall stop here.. to put an end to my gibberish..
tmr's sat!!! finally.. n today's the 13th day to the end o PA..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 12/19/2003 04:00:00 PM.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

i'm blogging too... haha.. one of the ways to alleviate the boredom o PA i guess.. i'm sick o goin onto friendster most of the time... i only hope i wun be blogging ALL THE TIME.. =P

~bao~ caught a falling star on 12/18/2003 03:11:00 PM.