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Saturday, January 31, 2004

one of the things to do when u r bored - write in glob..
freezin in the library now as i wait for the arrival o 12 pm, at which i will attempt to lift my butt n move off to lot 1 to meet lesly, pj n lao liu.. for a farewell lunch together b4 lesly flies off.. seems to be mentioning it alot huh.. haha... guess it's the feeling of bu4 she3. even thou it's only for 4 mths..
n the most horrible thing is that i wun haf 2 o my best frens celebrating my 21st bday w me!! *niam*
it alwiz appears to me that bday celebrations determine, or rather, serve as an evaluation of the no o frens u haf, n who love u enuf to come up w something nice for u on ur bday.. sometimes i wonder if i really do feel insecure inside, for i actually feel the essentiality o these celebrations. n the same feeling alwiz propels me to want to do nice things for my frens too.. even if they are not alwiz successful.. heh..
gosh.. i am so evaluative when i am bored.. *roll my eyes*
was looking at cm's friendster page juz now.. haha.. i think i am the only bored bloke goin on friendster nowadays.. n guess wat, i feel xian yu cos o this.. haha.. i must haf a LOW tolerance for xian yu-ness huh.. haha..
so sian o everythin nowadays.. nothin much goin on, except for the tuts n projs that are piling up (n more to come)... thinkin o choppin my hair off, but obviously i lack the guts.. i am such a no-guts chicken.. aiyo.. can't stand myself sometimes.. lisa made a very valid point.. she wanted to get this super funky hairstyle, n she was saying she couldn't possibly get that when she's in her thirties (or some age la).. true rite... but i can still see the "imaginery" look o horror on my face that appears whenever i cut my hair..
sigh.. it's not fun when u haf no guts.. time to wake up ur ideas, pk.. haha..
ok... i will attempt to lead a more exciting life... erm.. as for the exact details, i will leave it to fate.. haha..
pls roll ur eyes.. thank you..
n oops.. i am over time... haha..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 1/31/2004 12:09:00 PM.

Friday, January 30, 2004

cough cough... hi glob..
here's a sick me reporting to u..
anw... after a fulfilling dinner w the lishis yest, n a heart-to-heart talk.. i might continue my xian yu-ness.. haha... afterall, as dear lisa puts it, it's my life.. i can't keep waiting rite..
haha.. i think i am so funny....
okie.. i betta recuperate.. i'm sure boon doesn't want a coughin partner tmr.. sigh...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 1/30/2004 03:07:00 PM.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

hey glob...
it's been a long time.. hee.. *shrug*
anw.. i haf had a few enjoyable weeks.. esp during cny.. i remembered i wasn't having so much fun last yr.. mayb it's cos i haf officially joined the gambling den in my house ba.. haha.. yup, i played, n i won!! big time!! i was rich for a few days, until the flood o bdays tt came up..
n anw, i am sick.. sigh.. a bad sore throat tt developed into this cough, flu, body ache n a suspicious fever coming up.. argh.. n i had to let boon down cos o this.. i feel sooo bad.. but i will be a good partner on sat.. i will walk gracefully n erm.. smile nicely at everyone k.. hee..
n n anw... i juz declared my desire not to spend my 21st bday single... to 2 groups o frens.. n boy, i am regretting it now.. not juz the myth tt voicing a secret desire wun make it come true, but saying it out loud makes it seemed that i am very determined to make it happen.. which is not true..
i am in another state o confusion now.. perhaps the situation can be explained better w my xian yu theory.. the salted fish theory.. haha..
i feel like a salted fish whenever i do somethin tt is initiative on my part.. beginning to feel very silly.. n pointless.. i am so totally not the kind to take initiatives.. argh.. i hate it that i feel happy when cm does the slightest thing tt makes me smile... i hate the thot that rings in my head.. tt he might act like me.. do i like him tt much? or it's once again the pitting-of-all-feelings-juz-to-make-myself-feel-occupied thingy at work? i am so confused.. n i hate it..
it's the feeling o insecurity.. sigh..
anw.. lesly's flying off this sun.. lisa the next.. gosh.. am i gonna end up w puffy eyes? i wanna do somethin for them.. like make a present or somethin.. but i haf no time.. n i hate it..
seems like i am in the state o emotional imbalance.. haha.. one thing for sure, i am gonna miss my frens... sigh....

~bao~ caught a falling star on 1/28/2004 11:57:00 PM.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

haha.... gong xi gong xi gong xi ni ah...
it has been a blurry rush o festivals huh... xmas, new yr, n now dis... but cool.. i like them.. althou it's gonna be a while b4 any festivals (n hols!!) come along.. soon it's gonna be the mad rush o tuts n projs.. sigh..
but hey!! why am i talking abt this on new yr's eve?! haha... boo me..
but.. next week's gonna be horrible... mad rush o cac fair (where rspid gets a booth n we r gonna sell hand-made earrings!!), tuition, farewell for lisa (sob), boon's commissioning parade n ball.. sigh...
i can't believe sa's leaving... i am so totally not updated abt her life.. feel so bad.. n she's leaving real soon... gosh.. i think i will cry.. i really hope she will be able to cope over there.. i noe she will be... she's a cool person..
n of cos, lesly's leaving too.. but no worries, she is only goin for 6 mths... but still...
oh no.. all these making me feeling somethin tt i shldnt be feeling on CNY..
oh boy.. nm.. hope i win big money when i play 21 dian w my relatives tmr...
cheers!!! =)

~bao~ caught a falling star on 1/21/2004 10:17:00 PM.

Friday, January 16, 2004

hello glob...
it's been a while huh.. haha.. i am really so lazy.... oops... but as we all noe, geminis can't be expected to write diaries... at least not regularly i supposed.. haha.. pardon me...
well, sch has finally started... only taking 4 modules dis sem so it shldn't be too shiong. but for proj groupings, we r no longer given the freedom to choose our own proj groups..darn.. i sure hope i wun be too shuay all the time. got ri_ _ ky in my group for managing pple.. gosh gosh n gosh.. he betta not rub me the wrong way..i'll blow up.. i dun haf much patience w pple like this.. erm, if my frens r wondering wat's wrong w dis guy, there's nothin much. except tt he likes to roll up his jeans to his ankle n behave like a construction worker. plus the fact tt he likes to question everythin under the sun.. ok ok.. mayb he is juz plain studious.. mayb i will enjoy working w him so much tt i will start dressing up like a construction worker.. w boots for effect.. mayb..
see! lesly, i am trying to curb my bad habit o xian ru wei zhu.. haha.. muz gif others a chance rite.. =P
oh!!! yest was the most funny.. i went to help lesly dye her hair, n we had a few good laughs during the event... after which, we trod down to bugis n i bot a beautiful top for new yr!!! it's good for clubbing too... cool.. i can't wait to go zouk in it.. haha.. we attempted to bargain w the young boss but apparently he is more streetwise than us.. nm.. i am quite pleased w my buy.. hee...
den, the THiNG happened... sigh... poor yufan n lesly.. cos yufan came to pick lesly up, n had to send me home too.. n of cos, silly me din noe the way home AGAIN. (i am such a poc.. sigh) insisted the way home is thru the road to johor... best... in the end, we ended up in the queue to go MALAYSIA!!! panic...all three o us went slightly hysterical.. we deicded for me to go approach some one for help, n so i walked along the road/queue for a while b4 deciding to approch dis young man along in his car. i think he thought i was a prostitute... cos he gave me a LOOk. wat r all the young pple thinkin o?!! cowz.. he wasn't o much help obviously.. to cut a long story short, in the end, we got out smoothly wout detention or any sort o scolding althou we nearly, n i mean nearly, fainted with the pulsin blood in our heart n the fear tt someone wld discover tt we haf two new drivers in the car wout a p plate!!!!!!!!! haha.. it's funny to think o it now, but i swear we almost died.. all my fault.. oops.. sorry lesly n yufan!!! now i noe... it's the road to wdl new town.. sigh
hmm.. met up w pj n min min too on wed.. it was a nice lunch as we gorged ourselves w sushi at the sakae buffet... haha.. fun!!
i really shld be workin on my PA report now, but i am too slacked.. sigh.. muz buck up soon!!!! frens r all talking abt doin tuts!! my god.. wat am i doin?!?! i will die if i get the same results again.. (choy! touch wood) ok, i will buck up.. really soon..
ok ok.. i hafta go.. bye glob.. i'll miss u...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 1/16/2004 03:47:00 PM.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

hey glob....
lazy me is back to write in u again.. this time PA-less.. whooo hooo!!!!! hahaha...
went to dye my hair today.. so glad for lesly's company.. thanx for the patience gal.. i chose a browny brown but it turned out to be reddish brown.. i told the lady to cut ABIT o my hair but she chopped off quite a big chunk.. sigh... great start to the new sch term huh... nm i shan't complain too much...
oh well, tmr's my first day o sch.. feel so last min for everythin.. juz finished checking the textbooks tt i need n stuff.. n realised tt pple r already fighting for 2nd-hand books.. i can't find any as yet leh.. alamak!! i am such a lazy n slacked poc.. hmm..
ok ok.. since i am so lazy n slacked, i shall stop here.. haha.. sorry glob.. shall write in u again soon k...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 1/13/2004 01:22:00 AM.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

i juz dun get some pple... they come talk to u on icq, but sound so reluctant to be talking... WEIRD!!!
like for eg....
"nothin much lor"
"like that lor"
*rolling my half-opened, sleepy eyes*
anw i still dunno how to include the function o adding comments on my blog leh.. can someone enlighten me?!

~bao~ caught a falling star on 1/07/2004 01:22:00 PM.

You have a dominant kiss- you take charge and make
sure your partner can feel it! Done artfully,
it can be very satisfactory if he/she is into
you playing the dominant role MEORW!

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

~bao~ caught a falling star on 1/07/2004 01:21:00 PM.

yawnz...... morn glob...
cowz.. i am super tired n sleepy n groggy today.. slept at 3 last nite cos o paul's bday celebration. oh, n i managed to shake zz's hands thrice to wish him happy birthday on huimin n xiaoting's behalf.. haha.. yawnz..
luckily sng gam is not in.. i managed to sneak like 10 mins worth o sleep here.. haha.. naughty me.. but heck!! i am the princess when i NEED to sleep!! haha..
wonder how i am gonna survive the day...
3rd day to the end o pa........ i can't wait...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 1/07/2004 10:12:00 AM.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

yoyo glob....
today's earlier than usual huh.. hee.. oh well, since sng gam is not ard, i shall write in u first... lest he catches me doin it later....
anw, i haf juz told my dear ah qi abt my blog!! hee... "hi ah qi!!!!" oh.. n this is glob here.. haha...
i juz finished reading mingyi's blog... sigh.... there r so many things tt can be goin on in a person's mind huh.. so many things to think abt, n so many new solutions to old, n new, problems.. she's talking abt dressing well to increase her self-confidence... oh boy.. mayb i shld do the same too... except tt i am too lazy... it takes so much effort to.. simply put on mascara, for example. mayb my dear frens can try to motivate me.. haha...
anw!! it's zz's bday tmr.. i'll be goin to sch tonite to celebrate paul's bday so mayb can pop over to hall 2 to yell happy bday.. haha.. but it'll be weird i guess.. erm.. i shall think abt it..
(anw my china colleague is playing dis chinese movie on her pc.. juz bcos sng gam is not ard, we r all cool n havoc-y.. haha.. )
anw.. had a small argument w my mother dis morn.. aiyo.. haha.. it sparked off cos.. well.. i was grumpy.. so i picked on her like i alwiz do.. OOPS! lately she's into burning dis ignot-looking thingy tt will emit a smell.. i figured it's somethin like scent therapy ba.. anw!! she keeps burnin n burnin n burnin every morn!! i dun like the smell n the way it smokes the room n my hair.. i told her like 4 million times b4.. so dis morn.. i burst!!

angry me: why do u hafta keep burning tt? so irritatinnnn!!
innocent mom: it'll purify the air n the house ma...
infuriated me: wat purify?! it's suffocating me!!! i am gonna die cos o this!!
slightly pissed off mom: wat do u noe? dun keep saying die die die... suay mouth!!
boiling me: argh!! ( a scream escaped fr me at 6.30 am in the morn) mayb if u stop burning tt, i will score better!! it muz be bcos o this stupid thing tt i got such lousy results for last yr!!
composed mom: mayb if u stop goin out so often n coming back so late everyday, u wld haf scored better!
(this came as a surprise.. normally innocent mom wun be able to come up w such quick n pointy remark.. )
shocked me: oh well.. i dun wanna talk to u anymore!!! wait i choke on my milk n die!!

with this, my mother turned her back n .. yup.. continued to light up the thingy..
oh well.. i am losing my prowess in the family..
to prevent further erosion of my position n stand in this family, b4 i left the house,
sheepish me: ma! bye bye.. i love u.. even thou u irritated me!!!
grinning mom: bye.. i love u.. u love me..

n well.. i was grinning in the lift too... =)
hope today flies by!!!
4th day to the end o PA........

~bao~ caught a falling star on 1/06/2004 11:53:00 AM.

Monday, January 05, 2004

hey glob....
it's mon again..
i am so boring..haha.. alwiz starting w the same old line.. boo!! but it's the aftermath o lunch.. u noe, the groggy, i-am-so-full-tt-i-am-gonna-fall-asleep-soon feeling.. hee.... but basically i am alwiz feeling like this..
well, the weekend has been nice as usual.. i realized tt as long as i dun hafta to work or use my brains too much, it'll be a nice day for me... haha... on fri i met up w sze n my lao po, qiuru.. sze's still the same, n boy, do i love her for it!! it's soo comfortable to be w her.. she was telling us abt how she went zouk n had so much fun!! gosh!! how i wish i was there!! was supposed to, but it was the following wed after my rspid day at zouk.. haha.. so i had to decline.. but now i am regretting it.. =P
hmmm... sun was spent w Mr S in the early part o the day shopping for his clothes, n apollo in the later part.. n my gosh!! i saw yiqian, my pri sch's very good fren.. we haven seen each other in ages!! n her boy fren!! my god!! HE IS A HUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my gosh!!!!! of cos i appeared calm n composed but inside i was ********!!!!!! haha.. when will i get a hunk?!!?
ok... enuf o gushing.. as for the shopping trip.. it was.. well... how a guy wld feel to be shopping w a gal i guess.. haha.. i shall stop here.. anw my dear frens!! i haf the free ktv card again!! rem we went for 3 hrs foc, lesly?!!? yup, it's the same thing.. we juz hafta pay for our drinks!! it's valid till 31st o jan, so we can all go together, lesly, pj, lao liu n me!! hee!! i shall save the card for us k... =)
somehow, i haf come to a conclusion abt myself.. i realized tt i actually haf very high expectations.. re my the-other-half.. hee... in the sense tt i cannot tolerate any sort o discrepencies fr my ideal person.. not tt i haf very high expectations.. u noe wat i mean? it's juz tt i want him to be how i wld want him to be.. sigh... weird me..
anw ken juz told me tt i will learn how to fill in the form IR8A online.. haha.. great.. new thing to learn b4 i leave the comp.. rogan will be teaching me!! cool!!!
okie... 5th day to the end o pa... n my colleagues r having a farewell dinner for me!! so touched!! i thot no one wld bother!! hee..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 1/05/2004 01:47:00 PM.

Friday, January 02, 2004

happy new yr glob!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha..... it's a brand new start!!! gosh.... i am lookin forward..
or am i really? hmm.... except for the end o PA, i dunno wat i am looking forward to act... haha...
hmmm.. i am not really in a thinkin state now.. think i'll continue again k, glob... *yawnz*
no work tmr!! cool!!! one day less o sickening sng gam... yay!!!

~bao~ caught a falling star on 1/02/2004 01:14:00 AM.