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+ a wEiRd gAL
+ 22nd May
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Wednesday, March 31, 2004

hey glob!!!
i am alive.. n not feeling like my life's slipping out from my grip.. haha.. so i guess i'll survive.. =P
thanx for everyone's concern... haha...
I am immuned to all sorts o poison now.. cool.. i'm sure my mama was trying to train me... haha..
anw!! life's still hectic.. projs r still driving me nuts.. but i am feeling kinda calm.. inner peace?!
althou some things r still driving me nuts.. urgh.. i shall think abt them after the exams ba...
jia you jia you n jia you...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/31/2004 11:52:00 PM.

hi glob... n frens...
there's a possibility of me dropping dead any moment..
oh nothing much really.. juz that i ate half a bowl o instant noodles, with BLEACH as extra seasoning..
yes.. my dear dear mom.. she has decided to finish me off..
i came home all hungry, tired n drained, w a rumbling stomach since i only had a chicken wing for lunch, n one miserable piece o cake for dinner, n made my mama get out o bed to cook me maggie mee (at 12 am).. she did... oh boy she did..
as soon as i had the first bite, i commented on the weirdness o the taste.. she mumbled it's due to the fact tt she only put in half a pack o the seasoning since it's not healthy.. i accepted it..
(my stomach feels funny now.. )
happily, i tucked in to the "yummy" noodles (which, unknown to innocent bao, was filled with poison to kill!)... finally, my curiosity got the better o me.. i decided to smell the noodles..
i shld haf done tt b4 i devoured half a bowl o tt... SIGH~
dun ask me WHY a mother would decide to wash the TABLE CLOTH with bleach IN A BOWL..
dun ask me WHY she did not want to use ONE o the MILLIONS O PLASTIC CONTAINERS IN THE HOUSE..
mayb she hates me.. haha.. n i bet she does now.. after the din i made... but can u blame me?
oh no.. my stomach..
ohh.. now then i realized.. i drank NOT ONLY bleach.. i drank the ____ from the table cloth..
i feel sick..
if i do die.. pls.. tell my mom that i love her... -_-"

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/31/2004 12:37:00 AM.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

it's the time o the year when u start doubting ur own capabilities, glob..
nope.. i dun think i am being depressed again.. it's juz.. haha... self-reflection..
esp with all the projs goin on.. it's hard not to see the difference btn urself n ur groupmates.. i'm not lousy (i think!!) but can i juz satisfy myself by saying tt they are too strong? i hate the pressure.. to want to be good juz to show them tt i can be good.. instead of wantin to be good for the good of the proj.. haha.. am i making sense?
anyhow.. i juz cant wait for everythin to be over..
i want an exciting life.. i want to haf fun all the time.. as calvin puts it, "childhood is short, maturity is foreva.."
i dun even noe if i am an adult now or a teenager.. haha..
i miss my childhood..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/28/2004 04:22:00 PM.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

gosh glob...
i am so tired.. physically n mentally.. n all i do is niam n niam.. haha... i am a niamer...
anw!! juz to keep this blog interesting... my nose bled at 5am this morn!! haha.. woke up w a start cos somehow, in my deep slumber, i felt it coming.. as i sat up, the blood juz came trickling down my nose.. even stained my bed sheet... sigh... it was horrible... to feel somethin happening to ur body wout being able to do anythin abt it.. it's the heatiness getting to me i guess... more liang cha.. sigh..
luckily i am soo busy now.. haha.. prevents me from imagining all the possible causes for the nose bleed.. but why can't it stop certain funny thots from creeping across my mind?! irritating..
one down, five more projs to go..
anw, i wish to officially declare that i rather dislike my teacher, NG KOK YEE for bh331..
althou i am partly to be blamed for the dirty looks tt she shoots at me (for my perpetual latecoming) but still... i think she is super biased! boo her.. bet she doesnt even noe my name... double boo her!
haha... to think i am still in the mood to complain abt other pple..
okie.. research, here i come..
triple boo.............

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/25/2004 09:36:00 PM.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I'm exceptionally artistic!

Fair enough. Perhaps they haven't. But now that you know, you must become one with your inner self.

Virtues: You look for immense creativity and individuality in people, including yourself. You're not happy with anything less than brilliant, and you focus on being expressive. You value energy, liveliness, and upbeat personalities, but you're not supportive of moodiness when you yourself can be unreliably moody. Seeking activity, you like the bustle of business but need the secluded atmosphere of a studio or private corner.

Aspirations: You feel the need to express your talents, whether it be through writing, drawing, singing, dancing, composing, performing, or photographing. While you strive to ever improve your work, you want to display it as soon as possible when your impatience kicks in. You want to be a prodigy but you might not have the means right at your fingertips. Trust me, do NOT move to New York to do it. Yeesh!

Quirks: Conformists bother you because of their lack of individuality. You're often late or unreliable. You're showy and refuse to share the spotlight. You only tell little white lies. You worm your way into the hearts of others, but be careful; some people despise the show-offs.

Factors: Surround yourself with activity and you'll always have material to work with. Involve friends and family in your projects so they don't feel like envious outsiders.

Future: Show business or not, you'll settle down happily if you're among those who appreciate your natural talents and desire to perform. Don't stay in one place too long, and don't be too hasty in defining your relationships. Who are you to judge what only time will tell?

Find your soul type
at kelly.moranweb.com.

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/23/2004 05:39:00 PM.

Monday, March 22, 2004

i am a happier gal.. hee.. a vast difference fr ten mins ago as i trudged to the lib after yet another gruelling proj discussion which took almost 4 hrs..
but i muz thank my dearest lao liu.. my shuhui.. i was grumpy, upset, miserable n absolutely tired out before i sat down n read her blog entry... the entry o a bday celebration for her, which i was a part o, n one which made her happy...
it makes me see the difference that all o us can make to a person's life, how all o us r interlinked in terms o our emotions.. how much we love each other, how we make each other happy...
n i am a happier gal, from juz reading wat all o us, her frens, haf done for her.. n noeing that they will do the same for me too..
life's not all juz abt oneself.. i can be miserable alone, n yet i can share the joys o my frens...
so even thou the thot o SIX projs to complete is running wild in my head, i am a happier gal..
n i am grateful for tt.. it gives me the energy to carry on...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/22/2004 05:34:00 PM.

u noe u haf the best sister in the whole world when she looks at ur new hair style n say nonchalently
"that's quite horrible"
u noe somethin's wrong when a heavy feeling seems to find its own way into the pit o ur stomach n makes u feel like the whole world's weighing down on u
u noe things are not so simple when u start thinking abt things that are totally useless
u noe u r a happy gal after coming back fr a chalet n having so much fun, but u cannot help falling into the trap o ur own misery

i think i am stressed... wow...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/22/2004 12:33:00 AM.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

blog.. here r the accumulated comments for my new hairdo in a day..
MAMA: why like crooked like tt? here shld b shorter, there how come so long? how come so messy? shld cut away this part... here oso... (n on n on... )
PAPA: (sorry.. he only laughed... sigh..)
AH QI: it's ok la.. it wld be nicer if it's more symmetrical..
TWIN: ahhhh................. u look like the gal fr final fantasy (she's juz oh-so-nice.. =P)
SHUHONG: hmm... ok la... but quite obvious that she cut it assymmetrically.. n how come u wld want this hair style?

bcos i am a weirdo.. hahahahahhaahhaa...............................

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/20/2004 10:55:00 AM.

Friday, March 19, 2004

blog!!!!! i cut my hair!!! again!!!!
haha.... boy... wat happened to me!?! am i no longer THE scaredy cat!?!? am i captain brave!? haha...
anw, yup.. i went to chop my hair again.. n the bravest part is--- i went to the neighbourhood salon to do so... wow....
so far, only my mama n papa saw me with this new hairstyle.. n they think i look weird.. haha... it IS weird.. n it's amazing that i am amused, rather than sad.. haha..
even the salon auntie said so.. (noticed tt i din call her the hair stylist?!) i chose the hair style myself, gave her detailed instructions n was a bundle o nerves thruout the 20mins tt i was seated down.. mayb tt's why... cos i chose the hair style myself... hee... tt's why i am not too sad.. rather, i am amused..
it's like concave plus a whole chunk o tail left behind on my neck.. erm.. dunno how to describe oso la.. ayhow, it's weird.. hee....
cool.. i am brave.. i am a brave weirdo..
i am a brave weirdo w weird hair...
i am a brave weirdo w weird hair n a sense o humour...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/19/2004 02:45:00 PM.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

haha... anthoer failed attempt to be readin my disgusting RM text.. sigh..
anw, i haf a new resolution... to stop imagining things n get a grip on my life, specifically my feelings..
but the nagging thot lies at the back o my mind.. i dun keep promises to myself.. hmmm..
for a start, mayb i can go back to my textbook.. haha..
anw i haf the impulse to cut my hair again... =P how long will i remain sad this time, if i do cut it?! haha....
i am such a cry baby... n a scaredy cat.. sigh...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/18/2004 08:04:00 PM.

seeing my frens' tags made me tear.. haha.. i noe i haf pple who love me.. pple whom i love too.. i am thankful, seriously i am....
but.. the stickingly moody feeling in me juz wun go away...
i laughed in class, made jokes, made pple laugh.. at the end o the day, i juz feel like weeping.. i am seriously thinking o possible causes for this.. but i think it's juz making me feel worse thinkin abt the possible things making me sad, n realizing tt "YA HOR, I SHLD BE SAD ABT THIS"
haha.... i am a funny gal huh..
saw huang cheng yest... it was good.. but i still think my year was the PEAK! =) as i sat there, watching their xie mu, i could only feel a sense o longing to sing on the stage w them... i think i REALLY hate growin up...
ok.. i haf concluded tt it's a phase.. again.. haha.. i haf experienced such melancholic feelings before.. n they do go away... anw, i am such a happy-go-lucky gal.. pple alwiz say tt..
yes.. i think we shld go watch "the eye 2".. den i shall start u, glob, in a brand new way..
"i am scared glob"....
i am scared o watching horror movies.. i scream, twist the hand o the person beside me to the ultimate crooked shape (ask my twin.. ask my prince..), n leave the cinema w a racing heart.. but still, i watch them.. i think it's attributable to my streak o adventure-seeking determination.. haha...
somehow, i feel tt i am getting back.. haha.. on the rite track..
tmr's gonna be a boring day.. fri n sat's gonna be fun!!! nothing beats being together w precious frens, giggling at nothin in particular.. so looking forward to tt..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/18/2004 12:19:00 AM.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

glob glob glob...
i haf been feeling rather melacholic lately.. sigh.. dun ask me why.. juz feel... sad.. haha... boo....
is it cos o the mad rush o projects, ccas n all?! or wat?!
boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo...
mayb i shld go watch a super super sad movie!! i alwiz feel betta after a cry... haha...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/16/2004 12:32:00 AM.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

pardon me glob.. i am still rolling my eyes at the previous entry.. haha... my twin n ping bullying me... =P
anw had a tiring day today.. sigh...
but... i had a phone conversation w pj juz now.. so happy.. haha.. u may think it's weird but we haven talked on the fon for a while.. hmmm.. of cos, the lack o yakkety yakkety yak on the fon is not an indication o anythin.. juz proves tt we r oh-so-busy.. come to think o it, i haven been really talking on the fon nowadays.. this is a stark contrast to my days in jc n sec sch.. weird huh...
miss those days.. where my sisters n i wld fight over the fon.. where i wld pull the phone cord all the way to the room juz to haf some privacy.. where i wld try to show off my garfield fon to those who bothered to listen.. haha..
wat does this prove?
but o cos, we still love each other huh (pj).. haha...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/14/2004 01:38:00 AM.

Friday, March 12, 2004

where else can i be at 2 am in the morn?!!? haha.. if i'm at home, i'll be in lala land on my bed now..
here's introducing the 2 poor ladies who haf been subjected to my constant "torture" as i squat in their room...

*guest starS appearance*

haha... yea man, twin Joey speaking here. :P It's definitely not a torture to have twinny Bao here with us!! -laughz laughz~- Had such fun just now, even though it was supposed to be a "meeting"?? heh.. bao is vying with me over sleeping in the sleeping bag again and guess what? Being such a funny girl, she has snatched the sleeping bag away from a laughing me and is now carrying like a school bag and it makes her look like a tortoise. hahaha... Maybe someone should get her a nicer bag??!! -rolls eyes, laughing!-
Err... now the other guest speaker should speak and i shall go and roll on the bed and laugh myself to sleep... hope i can get myself a nice butterfly dream~
Hold on a min, now the 2 crazy girls are scaring themselves with "ghosts talk"... and MC's Bao is still carrying that bag. -_-"
Okay. zzzzz time now. Thanx for "listening" to me. good-bye, heh heh.

Yoyo..Ping here...now my turn to "appear" and let me guess..when i finish typing my last word in this blog..the crazy girl will still carrying her "school bag"..she told me she going to carry it for 7 7 49 days... to become "shen xian"...she refused to let me continue typing cos ...we going to ....reveal one of her darkest secret...ho ho ho.....what is it regarding...stay tune to her blog and u will definitely find out more..hehe.. oh ya...now the two girls are pushing the main lead to one another...gosh....opps...did i reveal her secret already?? k k...end here now..if not i will keep on typing n typing... *hint* look at joey's entry.....
PS: the two mad girls are fighting again....TWINS!!!!
and i m right...crazy bao is still carrying the long blue blue sleeping bag behind her back.. =x

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/12/2004 02:03:00 AM.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

as a silly student who has no current income tt i wld be proud to declare, i am a rather greedy gal, glob..
i haf a few things tt i wanna buy.. haha... listed not in any order o priority (since they r not necessities)
1. a new sch bag... i am beginning to feel tt i look like a tortoise w my green squarish one.. (i am experiencing the same feeling tt i had to endure when my mom got me a POWER RANGER BAG when i was in PRI SIX! attempts to walk w my back/bag sticking to the wall was common then.. )
2. a new pair o sequiened sandals/slippers (as ah qi likes to call them)
3. a NEW HANDPHONE to replace the one stolen by the disgustingly lousy thief (i am running out o vocab to scold tt %&#&%)
4. swimsuit.... to learn swimming with...
hmmmm... actually not a lot rite.. dependin on the rate i take to actually acquire new things.. i'll prob fulfill everythin by 5 yrs.. haha....
jia you oh!
wat to do? i am a material gal living in a material world...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/10/2004 11:26:00 PM.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

haha... i can finally understand lesly's exuberance with the existence o a tag board.... it's so touching to come on, n see msges left by frens... althou i might haf coerced some o them to leave a line or two.. haha...
nevertheless, it's pleasing to see concerned frens readin my glob.. to find out abt my life (althou it's nothin exciting, n in fact, marred by my constant cursing of the dark dark world in which we r living.. haha.. ), n to leave tags noeing that i will be damn pleased to see them!!! haha..
mayb it's time to start spreading ur existence, glob.. but then, mayb i'll hafta delete some o the previous entries.. sigh...
secrets r meant to be shared w a few trusted frens only huh...
anw... may the busy buzzing get out o my life soon.. boo....

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/09/2004 09:00:00 PM.

Monday, March 08, 2004

yeah!!!! my tag is utilized!!! so happy!!! hahaha..... yeah yeah yeah... haha..
oops.. am i getting too overjoyed here?! =) but it's good.. simple joys r enuf.. haha...
hope all my frens r happy too... noe that my ah qi is not feeling too good.. quite upset that i am not able to help her out.. but then again, as i haf alwiz believed, with LOVE, everythin is possible.. =)
jia you gals...
i shall jia you too....
wat with 4 projs awaiting completion... plus the slightly disturbing thot tt's in my mind.. but i might juz be thinkin abt nothin at all.. sigh....
alright!! back to proj.... (*@##$%$@)

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/08/2004 04:30:00 PM.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

i am sun-burnt glob.. pretty badly.. haha... that's wat u get for 2 hrs in the sun at sentosa... but at least Kids' Quest turned out an okay.. phew...
on the way back... within a short distance o 200 metres... i saw a malay family barbequeing... children laughing... adults cooking... someone filming the whole scene w a wide smile on his face... den, under the void deck.. a funeral.. all present chanting a prayer... all lookin sombre n tired...
as i hurriedly walked ahead to avoid the low, but loud chanting... i heard loud ktv music from the CC room... some lady singing an oldie.. oblivious to the funeral setting juz beside the CC room..
life's all juz abt oneself isn't it? =)

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/06/2004 11:01:00 PM.

Friday, March 05, 2004

glob glob glob..
once u start breaking promises to urself, that's it.. u will neva keep any in future....
on tues: i promise to finish this stack o notes by today..
alas! went out for bh331's proj meeting, went to lib, read a bit.. checked out movie time slots, n presto! i watched gothika..
on wed: i promise to finish the same stack o notes by today..
alas! went for kaizen's picnic, came back hoping to read, but too bad, went to sleep n woke up groggily-grouchy to do anythin constructive. den had to rush down for ID meeting.. n guess wat, i watched ACACIA... first time watching 2 movies at one go.. wat happened to my notes?!
on thurs: i promise to finish yes-that-same-stack today..
alas! i went to jin tai sec sch for my CURL, den went to look for pj to retrieve the "thing" tt i left in her room.. went for dinner n finally reached home at 12. cool...
today: i reached the conclusion as mentioned above..
now, i sit in front o the comp, with the notes half read, n niam abt not keepin promises to myself.. wat am i doin??!
haven even got the calling card to call lesly with.. sigh.. i am a lousy poc.. full stop..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/05/2004 04:43:00 PM.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

i have realized the negative side of an imagination too wild to be controlled...
nope, i haf not gone nuts after Gothika.. haha..
it's juz that, thinkin too much, n too deep into certain things can be damaging.. to my state o mind..
SIGH.. my xian yu theory is resurfacing...
i hate uncertainty... it makes u guess n speculate.. n raise hopes..
n yes, it makes u feel like a xian yu too..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/03/2004 06:46:00 PM.

Monday, March 01, 2004

i'm shagged glob..
after 2 nites o fun (n sorrow for the lost o my hp.. ), n sleeping out at my frens' places, i am shagged...
hee.. was actually supposed to be doin my research, n yes, even thou i am still doin it now, i haf decided to blog.. so much seemed to haf happened...
but actually when i am all settled down to complain, whine, niam n nag, it seems that nothin much has been happening.. weird huh... thots run wild in my head, but i juz can't write them all out..
somethin happened that made me think twice abt myself.. am i a lousy person? am i yearning for someone to take care o me? i was actually very apprehensive after wat has happened, but apparently i am the only disturbed party... haha.. but luckily things r not awkward btn us.. if not, i can juz die... flashes o wat happened kept runnin thru my mind.. *shudder* that's it.. i am a flop...
haha... oops.. am i making everyone gan chiong here? no worries my frens.. it's nothin much... but it's somethin that i am quite reluctant to share... sigh...
besides, i keep thinkin o my fon.. the 146 smses that i haf accumulated fr all my dearest frens... the smses that haf made me tear n feel that i am the luckiest person alive... the smses that i read when i am feeling down... sigh...
i dunno wat hurts more.. the lost msges or the lost money.. haha... but as julius said... i've found more than that i haf lost... =)
okie.. i shall stop niaming abt my fon.. george's saying he can get 6610 for me cheaply.. nothin's confirmed yet, cos i thot the offer ended already... n of cos, greedy little me wants 7250 now.. haha!! i am the best huh....
confused confused.. i hate it leh.. the little things, the not-so-important little things making me confused.... cowz... like i haf all the time in the world..
all boils down to the stupid thief!!! i curse her!! boo boo bleah bleah...
haha.. i thot i said i wld stop niaming?! hee.. old habits r hard to kill.. watever..
i shall go back to my research.. n figure out how to get the whole article.. sigh..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/01/2004 04:21:00 PM.

here's the world's unluckiest gal reporting to u...
yes glob.. i went for the WSC bash on sat.. got drunk.. did sillily funny things.. n yes, i LOST MY HANDPHONE!!!!
pls yell...
an idiotic loveless loser stole my handphone.. sigh.. n i was so drunk, i forgot the details.. haha...
okie.. i am too sleepy to gif the details.. shall complain abt it tmr again..
nitey glob..
n curse the thief for me k...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 3/01/2004 02:21:00 AM.