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+ a wEiRd gAL
+ 22nd May
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Monday, May 31, 2004

hey glob! here's ADVENTURE KID reporting to u!! hee...
yes.... things r different here... i haf gone to the top o a MOUNTAIN, n most importantly, came back in one piece!! hahaha!!!!! (althou i haf left some skin there.. boo..)
feel my pride?? i'm positively swelling.. haha....
yup.. last sun was spent conquering the Great Gunung Datuk o tampin.. according to xiaoting, my fellow risk-taker, any lump tt's 800 metres above the sea is a mountain.. n since the Great Gunung Datuk is a whopping 840 metres tall, WE HAVE CONQUERED A MOUNTAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the whole trip's an amazing adventure.. it left me tired out o my bones, left me with an imjured palm (yes, how can klutzy bao escape without any injury o any sort?! i fell n scrapped my palm against some fungi-ish rock.. n stabbed my fingers into this thorny scrub.. haha... ), but yet.. it has left me with the most wonderful feeling as of now, as i recall the moment when i stood at the tip o the Great Gunung Datuk, felt the wind in my hair, looked at the wide plains n lands o malaysia (at the same time, imagined wat wld happen if i lose my balance!).. i wish i haf the power to describe the magnificent scenary tat was before my very eyes then.. i wish i can share the excitement....
of cos, this trip has left me w somethin to be ya ya about for a very very long time.. haha.. *proud*
all thanx to zz.. n my dear xiaoting.. n xianqing n addy.. for their help n their tolerance o my whinings n sissi-ness.. haha..
i love such adventures.. =)
n part o the reason why i am so happy now is cos o my results. hee... yup, i did quite well for my own standards.. so i am happy.. relieved..
n well, thurs's gonna be my last day at sph.. n to think the big bully yunzhen still doesn't noe my name.. she's been calling me weird names, like poc guan... boh han.. but most o the time, she'll go "poc poc poc" behind me n i will turn around saying "baohuan" even b4 i face her.. *rolls eyes* u wld think she wld try her best to rem my name since she wants to make use o me rite.. apparently, she has discovered the speed o my filing expertise n is keen in getting me to file her stuff for her.. too bad!! i am leaving!! haha.. but i'll do it for her on thurs, juz to show her tt i am GOOD!!! n i've found a job.. haha... all thanx to darling min.. starting on mon. hope it'll be a good n easy job!! haha...
so basically, except for my ugly hair tt's euk-ing to one side, n the ugly tanline tt i've gotten fr the GREAT gunung datuk trip, life's pretty good for me now.. stay this way leh.. haha..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 5/31/2004 09:56:00 PM.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

i am becoming a glazer..
my eyes haf been glazing for so many days, even my mum is getting worried.. she asked if i wanted chicken essence this morn.. haha..
glazing look = the sleepy look w ur eye-black (erm.. i dunno.. the black part o ur eyeball!? like egg-white.. n egg-yoke. so it shall be eye-black den) half in ur eye lid n the bottom's juz the eye-white showing..
today i was invited to a meeting in the office today.. disastrous.. i tried my best not to doze off.. i forced myself not to glaze.. my hands were pinching my legs furiously.. but.. b4 i knew it, the next moment i was waking up cos i was laughing.. haha.. turned out tt i could glaze n be attentive at the same time.. i din noe wat i was laughing at, but apparently the speaker made a joke cos everyone was laughing.. so i am capable o falling asleep n maintaining rapport w the surroundings as well.. cool..
i think i broke my own record today.. i kept dozing off like every other min.. n i am not exxagerating! went to the toilet 3 times to snooze today.. the last time was hilarious..
i went to the toilet at 445.. after much preparation, i finally had a good sleep, for the next 5 secs.. cos i heard plastic bags rustling.. turned out the auntie came to clean the toilets. i refused to get out, but she refused to leave as well.. i had no choice, came out after much internal struggle.. o cos i wun gif up. i decided to go to the toilet one floor down to sleep. alas! 3 mins later, the rustling o the plastic bags came.. haha.. i couldnt let her see me, so i ran out when i heard her goin into the cubicle.. i muz haf looked a sight.. glazy, n running like a fool..
i need sleep man..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 5/26/2004 09:15:00 PM.

Monday, May 24, 2004

oh oh oh!!!!!!!
n my darling lilin................. who called on the 22nd cos she was concerned re the last entry.. hahaha.. boy.. tt was the ultimate.. i almost floated into the air at sentosa.. thanx gal... u r the sweetest..
n aili juz asked why i din mention the no o times tt my tears rolled uncontrollably at the party.. hahha...
yup... i cried... for my silliness as i spilled cocktail over my frens as i attempted to be a gracious host.. for my clumsiness tt i had to do this kind o thing ON MY BIG DAY...
but most importantly, i cried for the BIG realization o the no o frens i haf.. n the no o angels who r in my life..
i noe i am repetitive.... but then again...
angels... can u imagine..
smuack to all my frens!! once again.........

~bao~ caught a falling star on 5/24/2004 11:52:00 PM.

hello glob.....
my first entry after turning 21.. hee... n guess wat, i am gonna demonstrate the "split personality" characteristic o geminis (as compared to my last entry).. n declare tt i am a happy gal... =)
of cos, the credit has to go to my bday chalet, n all the wonderful frens who made it a truly heart-warming celebration for me.. me,i, myself, a silly gal who's blessed w precious frens who loves her for the way she is....
n boy, am i grateful for all tt...
at the chalet itself, it felt as thou i was surrounded by a halo, a halo tt made me feel warm... a halo tt made me smile non stop the whole nite.. a halo tt is created by angels.. angels who r frens o mine..
i love my angels..
first, thanx to baoling.. she came after i whined nonstop... n i am glad she did.... she's the nicest sister... haha...
of cos.. thanx to my chalet organizers - my twin n guy best fren... i noe they put in all their hearts n efforts to make this a happy occasion for me.. n they accomplished tt..
thanx to rspidians... for coming n making the party rowdy.. to my piggy sisters.. who stayed cos they knew i wanted them to..
thanx of cos, to my beautiful lishis... aili, who came down all the way to flash her sweet braceless smile at me.. shuhui, who gave me a beautiful t-shirt n a gorgeous card tt made me feel her presence even thou she's not there.. peijin, who took pains to organize everythin.. min, who bot a yummy cake.. huiling, for wrapping the present so beautifully tt i felt beautiful too, as i unwrapped it.. huiyi, who came after work n showed me support..
n of cos, lisa who msged n called me to show tt she loves me.. n i love u too, gal!!!
thanx to linian n weida.. whose presence made me so happy cos i haven seen them in a while.. n for their wonderful present!!!!! a green bikini!!!! haha...
thanx to xiaoting, zz n xun... who cooked for themselves, n haha... of cos, who made me darn excited too, as zz n xun lifted me up on their hands n xiaoting had to support me n take a pic w her head btn my legs.... they, who made me laugh hilariously..
thanx to my darling ah qi, shuhong, lihui, jessie, wilson n goerge.. for their bday surprise earlier on, n their presence at my party.. for being there all the time, my ah qi... =) i am biased.. hee...
thanx to all my angels............................
n i am praying for my lesly.. i wish for her to be happy...
pls hear my contented sigh...................................................
wat more can i ask for??.........

oh.. perhaps one thing more.. i need more sleep!!!!!! hahahahahahaha..................... it's time i stop dozing off in the office..
but heck..
i am a happy gal... a happy, blessed n contented gal.............

~bao~ caught a falling star on 5/24/2004 11:09:00 PM.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

i hate the way moods can change so abruptly...
linian called to ask abt my chalet juz now.. was still energetically enthusiastic..... now.. i juz feel like crying..
haha... i am weird..
baofeng came back a while ago.. i asked if she's coming for my chalet, n she act said "when is it?" to think i was goin on n on abt it yest.. oh.. but on second thots, mayb i stopped yakking abt it when baoxuan said "why shld i go for it?"
they r my sisters.. but they dun care..
i noe it's not tt they do not care.. it's juz, e culture o my family..
baoxuan's bday was on mon.. i wanted to fix a day when all 4 o us can go shopping, but she juz told us to pass her the cash... yes i noe.. it's the culture..
next time when i haf kids of my own, i hope i can provide them w all the care, attention, n yes.. the money tt they need.. to be able to throw bday parties wout worrying abt the amt o money tt's to be spent.. wout worrying tt their parents wun turn up for the party..
i'm sorry tt i keep goin on n on abt bdays..
juz very tired o everythin...
i hate planning things for myself..
plus the irritating cough tt wun go away..........................
plus the fact tt i keep bugging frens like jian lin n twin to help me w the planning..
plus the fact tt i hafta come online to send smses n disrupt baoling fr talking to owen, her bf in aust..
plus the fact tt i told my mum not to buy me a silver chain (u noe, the key when u r 21?!)even thou i want it bad..
plus the fact tt 2 o my best frens r not ard w me..
plus the fact tt i appear to be so obnoxious that i can only keep goin on n on abt my bday...
oh boy.. this muz sound really pathetic n whiny.. sorry folks..
to make this a happier entry, i got my day off for fri.. juz asked andy today.. luckily eric's (the biggest boss) a nice guy...
i hope my enthusiasm comes back....
i think it's P.. M.. S..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 5/19/2004 11:02:00 PM.

obvoiusly i haf failed to upload a beautiful pic for glob... i apologize for tt.. but i am simply too lousy at this kinda things.. if any kind soul wld like to offer their help, pls do so.. =P
super tired now... sigh.. might b cos o the chalet yest tt robbed me o a nite's rest, but it was such a nice chalet.. =) it was ah qi's chalet act, but my HR frens gave me a bday surprise!! hee.. they're super duper sweet.... it was totally unexpected, but i held my composure well, i hope.. at least i din burst into tears... haha.. they got a nice blueberry cake, n i was trembling when i cut the cake... for the many bdays tt i've had, it seems that i've only cut less than 10 cakes?! haha.. no wonder....
act, words cannot really express my gratitude to them.. i think the part o not expecting anythin helped alot... to think tt they wld do somethin like this for me.. me.. wow...
okie.. i am really too sleepy to express myself properly...
one thing for sure, i love my frens.. =)

~bao~ caught a falling star on 5/19/2004 12:22:00 AM.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

i've juz spent the past 2 hours finding new skin for my blog!! i've seen really beautiful ones but... i dunno how to upload them!!! argh!! i shall continue trying.. if i succeed, ta-dah........ u shld be looking at it now!! haha..
but my patience's running thin............

~bao~ caught a falling star on 5/16/2004 02:33:00 AM.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

talk abt fantastic friday... =) great start into the weekend for me!!
had a boring day at work, but the evening was totally fun w my piggy sisters... we laughed, yakked, acted dramatic, fooled ard, n basically, felt good... together... have been missing such a feeling after the lishis' outing last wed...
i love the way i cld simply be myself when i am w them, my dearest frens.. i was wearing a long skirt today, for goodness sake.. but i squatted, kicked n looked ugly.. without caring abt my image.. not tt i had a lot o begin w.. haha.. but the feeling's great.. mayb i shld do tt one day in front o all the guys... see how they wld respond..
anw i saw sylvia today at far east.. she asked why i did not turn up for jacques's bday party.. haha.. when i sadly put across the point tt she din invite me, i was chided for not being zi dong.. haha.. turned out jacques told sylvia to get the wisdomers, n she thot cui wld tell me.. was i conveniently forgotten? or everyone thot someone else wld tell me? sigh...
act it's scary when bdays come along.. it sorta shows how impt u r to some pple.. ok ok.. i noe.. i am being paranoid again.. haha..
i am a sleepy little gal.. time to hit the bed..
but o cos, b4 i do so, it's the usual routine..
WORKING SUZ!!!!!!!!!
okie.. i'm done..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 5/15/2004 12:57:00 AM.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

get ready glob.... this hasnt been a good day... nope.. not at all... althou a pleasant surprise greeted me when i got home.. but i shall leave the best for the last..
first o all, i had another sleepless nite!! dis is truly getting on my nerves!! all becos o my throat.. i dunno wat exactly is wrong can.. it keeps tickling.. n making me uncomfortable.. so much so tt i act cldnt fall asleep.. boo.. a great way to start the day at work huh..
oh btw, i got a temp job. HR helper at SPH.. n LUCKILY it's only for 3 weeks..
it was raining in the morn as i was trudging to work. i din noe the way, had to ask 2 kind aunties for direction b4 getting there.. oh, btw, sharon au's mother exchanged a temp pass for me.. haha.. she's the security there.
n basically, i spent the whole day focusing all my energy on keeping my eyes opened. i muz admit, i sneaked to the toilet for a few mins o sleep! =P forever like tt, ms pk.. haha.. but it's really quite boring!! althou i believe the tough part's gonna come up soon.. oh boy..
it's totally a horrible feeling.. i wonder if it's the repercussion o send.com or wat, but i was utterly miserable. i hate the suffocating feeling o sitting in the office, ESP w nothin much to do. (i was told to "play ard with excel".) i really hope tt i wun hafta be an office lady in future.. esp HR... seems i haf made the wrong choice in my specialisation.. boy...
was truly sleepy when i went for tuition.. poor jing jing.. i made him compose sentences n i act fell asleep. i only woke up w a start when he said "i haf already given u 5 sentences for 'monkey'. can we stop?"
n here's the surprise!! i came home, n saw... a bday card fr my LESLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that helped so much.. in lifting my spirits.. n making me happier... =) but!! she sent me this pair o earrings n i cldnt find it!!! darn!!! tt's so irritating!! silly postman!! nevertheless, i am happy.. for i haf the blessings fr a true fren.. =)
she told me this.. tt i can be the klutz tt i am.. tt i can haf my monthly cry whenever i want to.. n she will alwiz be there for me..
it's exactly rite to the point.. the way she describes me... the way i truly am... a warm fuzzy feeling is spreading over me..
hmm.. but i felt kinda sad again when i saw shuhui's blog.. tt i am not invited to jacques's bday celebration.. tt i am missing out on wisdom's gatherings.. sigh..
i am so tired tt i haven had the energy to think o things.. tt deeply anyway...
oh boy.. this is like pa.. i am gonna count down to the end o 3 weeks..
time.. pls fly by..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 5/12/2004 10:06:00 PM.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

it's been a weird day...
first o all, i was super grouchy when i woke up cos i had a bad sleep... it was a restless nite... i kept waking up, n den drifting off again.. when my red snoopy alarm rang at 1130, it felt as if i had juz laid down.. u noe tt feeling?! boo...
den.. mommy was out so i had no breakfast.. yes my frens.. i dunno how to make milo n milk myself.. hahaha!! joke of the century.. so i had plain water n dis funny chocolate bun for breakfast..
a subtle hint tt the day might get worse..
luckily it din.. =)
met a new fren for lunch n KOMA... haha.. okie.. stop saying i am trying to be secretive.. he is aili's fren... quite a nice guy.. very gentlemanly.. but tt's it for now k!!
den rushed back for tuition... jing jing.. he is the best.... n a poor little boy.. he has to learn 3 words for spelling, n they r HUGE words... singapore, zoological, n gardens.. cowz.. wat a dumb spelling rite.. i broke the words into parts, but he was very distracted.. den he was having his usual bout o flu, so i helped him blow his nose.. as in, i held the tissue n told him to blow!! haha.. i laughed at him, n he blushed.. cute.. but then... he couldn't spell the words.. sigh.. den he gave a lecture on why he has to learn singapore zoological gardens- his explanation is tt zoo is too short n everyone can spell it. tt's why muz learn the full version. he droned on for like 10 mins.. haha.. think he was juz trying to distract me.. oh!! but today's the first time he greeted me at the living room.. normally he wld squirm into the room b4 calling me miss "n"iu...
n mr "n"i was nice too... he paid me full sum althou i din teach him twice.. haha.. we were like pushing the extra 20 bucks to each other.. n for a moment, i felt like an auntie. *shudder*
came back, yakked to pj n felt good abt it.. den!! i tried to call u, lisa!! u din pick up the fon!! hee... i called like at 1150 or 12.. am.. so i called lesly next.. but she wasnt in the room too..
act i dunno why i came on n yakked nonstop abt my day.. i think it's to prevent me fr expressing too much o funny, weird thots ba.. haha...
i keep thinking...
i think pple are juz so weird..
me esp... sigh..
pearlyn's asking me to her bday party on sat.. kelly's not goin.. so i am like, totally lost.. we r not even tt close.. dun tell me i hafta ask jeremy if he's goin.. cowz..
argh! luan!!!
luan.. luan.. luan...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 5/11/2004 01:50:00 AM.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

i miss crying at movies...
i juz watched a few episodes o At The Dolphine Bay.. it was touching alrite.. but not to the extent o making me sob.. n i miss tt feeling..
i love crying over nothin... over somethin as trivial as a movie.. i love to cry, as in, really cry once in a while.. i believe crying allows me to release pent-up emotions.. emotions that even I am not aware o consciously.. emotions that i am afraid to face...
dunno wat made me think abt life in general... things were bothering me during the exams, but i told myself to shelf them during the studying period.. now tt exams r over, it seems there's no reason for me anymore.. in fact.. it seems logical tt i shld start thinking.. tt i shld start bearing some responsibilities for my own life..
u noe wat.. i really hate to be so reactive to things.. i wanna be dynamic too.. i wanna be full o ambitions.. i wanna noe wat i want in life..
pple ask me, how r u gonna celebrate ur 21st?
n all i can say is, i dunno..
when one o my fren asked, how come u din apply to go for the US program? i thot u really wanted to go for it?
all i cld do was smile.. how do u say "becos i am too slack"??
pple ask, did u apply for hall? when i said no, they gave the knowing look... tt i am too reactive.. tt i am a slacker..
i think i am so used to giving tt as an excuse.. tt i am too slacked.. no one noes the real reason anymore...
not even myself..
i think i shld watch a sad show soon...
i will feel better..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 5/08/2004 11:38:00 PM.

Friday, May 07, 2004

hey glob..
things r starting to look up for me... cos..
THE EXAMS R OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha.... 3 mths o hols... cool..
even thou it sounds so dampening to say this, i think i shld go find a job soon.. no matter how strongly i feel abt having fun, i keep feeling the pinch when i spend.... sigh...
but still!!! it's still the peak period for me rite now!!! fun fun n more fun.. cool...
i went zouk yest.. so fun.. i din noe aili can dance so well.. n she's so sexy on the dance floor!! haha.. n i had the taste o a sweet alcholic drink.. lychee martini or somethin.. hmmm... nice.. yum yum..
dun worry sa!!! we'll go when u come back!!!! haha.... i muz def go clubbing w my best fren one o these days...
i hope exciting things will happen to me during the hols!!!
i hope all my frens will be happy..
i hope this will be a good hols..
i hope....
i will be happy.. =)

~bao~ caught a falling star on 5/07/2004 12:47:00 AM.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

it's almost time!!!! almost time for me to regain my freedom!! almost time for me to hit the town n go wild!!
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in fact, i cant concentrate already... goodnesss.. this is autrocious... "one last paper"... is there any way to stop this thot from running gleefully across my mind?!!
anyhow... pls make this last paper a good one..
n i guess this means i hafta STUDY instead o WISHING.. haha.....
nothin can't spoil my festive mood.... not yet.. not tmr.. not the paper..
it will be a breeze.. one last attempt at the self-fulfilling prophecy...
i will get an A.......................
i'm keeping my fingers crossed...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 5/04/2004 04:19:00 PM.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

a fren juz asked why i am so free to come online so frequently even thou it's my exams.. sigh..
let me gif an acct o my day...
alarm rang at 9 am today... automatically, i sat up, set the red snoopy clock to 10 am, n dropped back to sleep.. it's an accustomed process for me.. dun ask me why i like to set it to 9 when i noe i will push it to 10.. haha...
woke up grudgingly at 10, sat down for breakfast.. n guess wat.. the breakfast lasted for 2 hours.. my eyes were glued to the tv.. oh n by the way.. i drank expired HL chocolate milk for breakfast.. the whole house knew the milk had expired, cos i went round screaming when i saw the date.. but my mom screamed louder, saying tt i was making a big fuss out o nothin.. in a moment o indignant, i poured the milk (making sure my cup was only half full) n drank it.. luckily it tasted fine..
sat down at the study table at 12 plus, tried to study when my whole mind was juz wandering abt.. it's hard noe.. even thou i am not a labourer, it's still a public hol... grrr... so half o the time, i was rolling my eyes..
at 2, i lifted my butt, n plopped on the sofa to watch SHE.. haha..
went back to my books at 4.. did more eye-rolling..
lifted my butt at 6.. went to the room, took out dust-covered music cds, n started playing them.. so i spent another hr watching sun yanzi.. den my sister had to start watching her recorded amercan idol.. i told myself to start reading again at 7.. drats.. obviously, i chose to be w simon, paula n randy..
at 8, my guilty mind dragged my body to the books again.. my guilt lasted for half an hr.. at 830, i decided to haf dinner..
it was 1030 b4 i saw my notes again.. hi there...
n i got sooo bored, i came online, gave a boring account o my boring day to those who bothered to read....
anw!! tmr i will be goin for my hip hop dance class!! haha.. signed up w my sis for fun.. boy.. i hope i wun see funny aunties in red tights or weird uncles in white singlets..
it wun be a boring sunday afterall.. yay.....................

~bao~ caught a falling star on 5/02/2004 12:54:00 AM.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

3 papers down.. 1 last one to go.. n the fact tt it's NEXT wed is not helping.. i keep thinking i haf all the tme in the world.. oh well..
unexpected events haf got me thinking again.. n when i say i am thinking, it means my wild imagination's at work..
somehow, i am unable to express my thots.. haha.. althou i had a pretty good idea o a "speech" tt i was gonne deliver here on u, glob..
but i was imagining myself doin the thing tt i had wanted to do ages ago.. if only i haf the courage to do so, w no regrets, no ill feelings..
the only reason why pple regret doin the things that they do it's becos they thot they could handle the repercussions.. but so wat?
n it seems that some o my frens r changing ard me.. wout me.. i dun wanna be left behind thou.. it doesnt seem such a big deal, but when close frens start changing their viewpoints, o the things n pple that r important in their lives now, i start wondering.. where do i stand?
oh my.. no wonder they say geminis haf split personality.. haha..
no matter wat, i hope i find my focus soon too.........
n guess wat.. i wanna cut my hair again.. haha..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 5/01/2004 12:45:00 AM.