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Saturday, July 31, 2004

i juz did this little personality test thingy.. it was in chinese..
testing for my potential ability to be a casanova..
apparently, i am not one.. but it mentioned tt i haf the tendency to mistake frenship for love.. haha!!
anw.. i think mayb it's TIME to really get my eyesight tested soon.. went jogging juz now (yes! my proudest moment o the day!!!) n as i was happily pacing myself, i saw this lump o fur on a chair.. i nearly flipped as my imgination took me thru a 5 seconds ordeal o a dog pouncing on me..
well, turned out to be a lazy cat tt was fat!
point is, i nearly killed myself w tt.. it's not exactly an okay-thingy to be having a heart seizure when u r jogging..
which reminds me.... i haf mistaken countless little boys to be dogs as i go for my tuition.. they alwiz go running ard the area at the time i go over.. when they r far away n esp when they r charging at me, my heart alwiz stop for like 2 seconds. i am not afraid o charging boys.. i am terrified o charging dogs (erm... who r actually little-innocent-energetic-angelic boys)...
mayb it's not my eyes..
mayb it's an inherent deep fear o somethin.. mayb not o dogs.. but o somethin tt i hafta explore deep n wide in order to find its existence!
can u tell i am crapping???
i guess i am sleepy.. when i am sleepy, i am either grouchy or crappy..
so why am i not sleeping?
beats me...


~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/31/2004 12:58:00 AM.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

i am a niamster.. tt's all i am..
i niam... full-stop!

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/29/2004 07:23:00 PM.

i've alwiz yearn for somethin exciting to happen to me.. so far.. life has proved to be disappointing..
i've not discovered any new invention tt will bring human beings to a higher level o existence...
i've not been on TV (except for the brief interview last year tt got me bombarded w criticisms on the ntu forum)...
i've not sang on a stage w millions o fans yelling my name..
i've not been rescued by a charmingly handsome hunk fr the dirty hands o some criminals attempting to rob 7-11... 
i've not even stayed in a HALL for GOODNESS SAKE............ 
fine.... i am destined to lead the life o a miss plain-jane.. (FINGERS CROSSED)
so now, miss plain-jane has to go to bed cos miss plain-jane has to go to sch tmr..


~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/29/2004 12:30:00 AM.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

i am in a rush.. but guess wat.. ms forever-late is insisiting on writing in her blog..
am goin for a guitar audition now...
n i can't play the guitar for nuts!!!! wowwee....
shall tell u how i mortify the teachers.... haha!

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/27/2004 04:13:00 PM.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

had a good cry at the movies yest...
in fact, i sobbed so hard, i act had a headache after all the crying... was left w an empty feeling in me after all the tears, void..
in case u r wondering, the movie was Brotherhood..
i was thinking hard on the way home.. why was i so affected? so much so tt i act couldn't stop crying.. no, i couldn't help myself.. even sobbed for 5 secs in the toilet after we came out fr the theatre...
is this called being too-sentimental-for-ur-own-good?
wat/who was i crying for??
the brother whose deep love for his sibling was not reciprocated?
the other brother who had to witness the change in his loved one? n who had to bear the burden o leaving his loved one in the lurch?
the lover who was misunderstood?
the pple who had their arms, legs, even their faces, blown off during the war?
i love war movies.. they make me realise how lucky i am..
but, how long will this feeling o bliss be sustained? how long will it take be4 i start whining abt silly things such as projects, my hair, my life??!
wat abt the longing in my heart? the longing for my sisters, my family, to love me the way Jin-Tae loves his brother.. how long will it take to fade?
different era, different situations.. i noe..
but i can't help imagining...
tt i haf the power to love as deeply too....

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/25/2004 05:22:00 PM.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

anw!!! baofeng juz came back.. n i realized, she n i almost haf the same hair colour!! but u noe wat's the glitch??
she did hers w the help o her fren.. so it's the product o a DIY experiment.. n she spent less than 25 on it..
me? i paid a sickening 65..
lesly, there's hope for u afterall....

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/24/2004 02:18:00 AM.

great... jimmy juz exclaimed dis over msn....

If Evilman can volunteer...So can You!!!! says:
tot u like being in spotlight?

now he's saying..

If Evilman can volunteer...So can You!!!! says:
hmmm i think u mistook it as i mean that u like to seek attention
If Evilman can volunteer...So can You!!!! says:
i tot u dun mind attention one

juz becos i am slightly louder than most gals r, becos they r too busy pretending to be all sweet n honey ( all my nice, frenly, wonderful gal frens EXCLUDED!!!), they think i am attention-seeking..
den they say i am real funny.. tt i make them laugh all the time.. tt makes me attention-seeking..
it's hard to please isn't it.. i din tell them to laugh...
anw, jimmy apologized.. so i am NOT niaming abt him.. i am juz using this as a spark to niam abt guys in general..
ANW! i hate it when pple say i am funny.. i dun like to be funny.. tt's the way i speak.. it's not a real attempt to say funny things all the time... i dun even take the effort to THINK abt funny things to say.. laugh if u want, but dun say i am funny.. even thou i am funny..
haha.. see how funny i am...
anw.. i haf a new hair colour.. it's very light.. too light i muz say.. a light blond colour.. hmmm... thinking o the image tt it presents to others.. jason mentioned tt i appear to be a gal who's not quai n who doesnt go home.. haha..
but since it's so hard to please.. i shall not care, rite??
my mommy noes i am quai..... boo!

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/24/2004 01:51:00 AM.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

i'm slightly bored.. this is wat u get for refusing to buy bus concession, which leads to the resulting refusal to step out o the house...
at least i am well-rested..
haha!!!! n u will end up insisting on writing in ur blog EVEN THOU there's nothing to report..
well, except tt lisa's gone back to aust.. sigh..
nm.. i'll start to haf fun tmr..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/20/2004 05:53:00 PM.

Monday, July 19, 2004

in an attempt to "repay" jimmy for coming to my sentosa outing, i went for his outing to JB as well.. n it was fun!!!! althou it got off to a rocky start..
dun say i am defending myself.. the INITIAL plan was for me to meet them at the custom, cos it's really silly for me to join them at kranji when i stay 2 mins away fr the custom. ok.. the plan was set to be like tt.. fine.. they were supposed to call me when they set off fr kranji.. in the end, paul called me n said ben would be picking me up.. ok.. pick me up den.. to cut a long story short, ben picked us (myself n baoyun) up n during the walk to the custom, the guys were hungry n they went in search for food. so we got there 40 mins later.. i dun understand why they wanna assume it's MY fault.. as soon as we got there, a few o them had like BLACK faces n irritating eric act asked me in a really sacarstic tone o voice "where do u stay?"
obviously i was indignant... n hurt.... why muz they alwiz think it's me?? i noe.. i am forever late.. but still! not this time!! so, in a moment o anger, i replied eric "i feel like giving u a big hard kick!"
haha! not exactly the most polite response.. think tt got a few o them more pissed at ME since they assumed it's MY fault.. even lee hin was mad....
sigh~ in the end, i apologised to eric.. even thou i din really look very sincere, tt's the best tt i can manage..
luckily, things improved during the journey into msia.. think aaron's a really nice person.. at least he made me laugh...
sorry if i sound like a spolit brat... but the trip's really fun!!! we had scrumptious meals at good rates n even had a few "gossips" springing up fr nowhere... haha...
n i bot a nice top!!! there were 2 designs n i tried on both, unsure o which one to get.. EVERYONE told me to get the green one cos i asked for EVERYONE's opinions... in the end, i bot the other one.. haha! think they almost vomitted blood..
hmm... feel like getting my hair cut n get a new colour as well...
new look for the new sch term huh..
yucks!! sch's starting!!!!!!!

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/19/2004 01:34:00 PM.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

haha.... as usual, i hafta yell to announce my arrival.... but yup!! i'm back.... from lovely tioman w a nice tan, but an irritating cough... my illness worsened in tioman, but din reach its peak.. it did now... after i reached spore.. i think tt's considered lucky, RITE?! feeling quite giddy.. haha.. i'm thinking if (a) it's the aftermath o swimming the whole day in the sea on thurs, or (b) i'm giddy fr the coughing tt's preventing blood fr circulating to my brain.. i think it's B... hmmm..
ANW!! tioman was GREAT!!!!! i never knew a beach could be so beautiful... it's amazing.. i went snorkelling, even thou i cant REALLY swim, n saw the most beautiful scenes o the underwater world... lovely fish swimming by, each in their own world... i had to squeal in excitement n ended up swallowing quite a few mouthfuls o the sea water.. but it's worth it! er.. as long as i dun think abt wat's goin into my stomach.. =P
visited a small waterfall in the forest too, led by sam, the nice-but-u-can't-help-recalling-the-snorkelling-incident snorkelling instructor.. (haha! get details fr me pls)... althou i haf seen more magnificent ones fr my trekking trip, it's still amazing.. i like to believe i am a lover o nature..... 
o cos, my companions for the trip were fantastic too!!!! haha.... i was actually quite apprehensive abt goin on a trip w my HR frens (i'm not talking abt u, my ah qi!) but it turned out silly kuku bao is fretting over nothin!! they were great... truly... i believe tt this has helped to strengthen our frenship.. =) 
oh!! n i gave my FIRST time to Sam!!!! hahahahaahaha.... cos we felt tt we had to repay him, since he brought us ard, so................................................................................................. i bot 2 packets o cigarrettes in tioman!!! haha.. my first time buying cigarrettes... for him!! haha... plus 2 cans o beer.. o cos, the other gals were there too la.. so we ALL gave our first times to sam!!!! haha..
sorry.. obviously bao is pretty proud o her little joke here..
then!!!! after reaching spore.. i was almost half dead.. but i called pj, n was persuaded to watch Qi Hang 2004!!! i was already tempted to go watch cos it'll be rather cool to watch them in their first time at some major theatre... Qi Hang is the annual production o the CLDDS of st nicks, if u r wondering.. n of cos i came fr there.... n i'm glad i went.............
even thou i was only a spectator, we had fun laughing at the plays, be they funny, sad or realistic.. becos at this age, after goin thru Huang Cheng n life in general, u hafta roll ur eyes at the silly plots n scripts... i'm not saying this in an attempt to be mean, or to show off.. it's the truth.. but still, i felt good.. seeing my juniors putting on their best performance, waiting to hear the applause fr the audience.. it's almost like i'm on the stage again... n i am soo proud o them all...
i feel a sense o lost... i once had the vision to be on the stage for a long long period o time.. i did not accomplish tt.. n i doubt i ever will....
well, after tioman, mayb i can haf another vision to be in the sea for a long long period o time..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/17/2004 12:58:00 AM.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

it's a weird time to be writin my post, i noe..
esp w a throbbing head.. my brain seems to be squashed against somethin tt's refusing to budge to give me more comfort...
n i'm pretty sure i will be late.. haha..
but well... i'm determined to come on n announce my departure..
yes, bao w a throbbing head, is off to tioman!
i wish i am VERY excited... but it's pretty hard w a throbbing head.. plus a fever tt's abt to explode but not fully at e capacity.. n a throat tt's sore n tt makes me wince whenever i swallow..
n did i mention the THROBBING head??
it's sooo dumb to fall sick juz when u r abt to do somethin rather exciting.. i feel like pinching myself hard..
but oh well.. i shld be nicer to myself, so tt i will recover soon..
which explains my decision to take a cab down, even thou i had made great plans to take the FIRST bus n the FIRST train..
get well soon, baohuan....
the sun's waiting...
i juz want the headache to go away.. sigh~

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/14/2004 05:41:00 AM.

Monday, July 12, 2004

time is tight.. i am fighting against the hunger o myself n my sister to write in u glob..
there's juz so much to report.... haha...
first.. i got a new handphone!!! a samsung x600a.. hee.. no, this is not a bid to invite bad pple to steal my fon.. juz trying to update my frens.. =)
n, the RSPID outing to sentosa was a success, if i were to judge myself (as the silly organizer).. haha.. even thou i was hit on the rite side o my head by a ball tt was travelling at the speed o light kicked by my evil GBF, n even thou i was quite a silly organizer as mentioned (since all i did was to show a black face at ppple who refused to come n whine abt it), the pple who came appeared to enjoy themselves.. couldnt help feeling quite proud.. EVEN THOU i din do anythin much.. haha.. oh! n i wore a bikini!! hee.. *shy*
feeling quite pleased generally.. haha..
except for the rumbling stomach!!! goin for lunch le!!!

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/12/2004 12:59:00 PM.

Friday, July 09, 2004

erm.. here's a sheepish blogger reporting back to her glob... heh... i noe why i couldnt sign in le.. but i shant reveal it here.. haha!!
my mind's a blank now.. only noe tt there're lotsa things awaiting my decision.. n of cos, this silly billy goo goo here cannot make up her mind.. ALL THE TIME..
sick... sigh...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/09/2004 12:10:00 AM.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

oh my gosh..
i am suddenly very very stressed.. haha!!
my fyp tutor replied us suddenly, out o the blue, n he wants to meet on thurs! i can't!! i hafta work!!! oh no!! how??
i am gonna change my fon plan tmr.. n might be getting a new fon too.. i think! how??
i alwiz cannot make up my mind.. oh no!! wat shld i do?!?!!
oh no oh no oh no..................

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/06/2004 01:18:00 AM.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

my rspid frens call me princess.. as i am the mongolian princess o our silly little story...
n if i really do wanna be a princess, wat do i hafta possess?
beauty? nah~
etiquette? nah~
intelligence? nah~
i guess i can't be a princess then..
oh man.. i think i am at the phase o utter self-dislike for today at least..
i better go to sleep...
may i wake up loving myself as before.. haha..
dun worry.. i am juz.. crabby...
may everyone be happy... *fingers crossed*

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/04/2004 04:19:00 AM.

nothing's goin well for me...
there exist probs tt i cannot solve.. can only gif silly comments n cheesy remarks.. becos i really dunno how to react... chose to say wat's on my mind.. n i ended up sounding, well, silly n cheesy.. not helping the situation at all.. but i truly want everyone to be happy..
plus the fact tt i am utterly demoralised... dunno by wat.. fyp? my life?
i used to haf 2 birds in my house.. which i rather hate cos my papa doesnt bother to clean them.. now there's only one left.. i noticed tt a few days ago.. n if u believe it, i've been wanting to find out the reason for the demise of one.. BUT!! i haven had the chance.. it's either i am too busy rushing out o the house, or my mom is the one leaving..
i am lost....
i used to scheme for ways n means to get rid o them... but i neva dared to, cos i believe my papa really likes them.. plus i am not cruel enuf.. n now one's gone..
pardon me for this incoherent outburst..
i dunno wat's goin on in my mind now..
but i cannot stop typing.. it's juz a feeling o wanting to get everythin off my chest, i guess...
i think i shld stop goin ard n doin stupid things... it'll only make me hate myself more.. not tt there's anythin much to like in the first place..
haha.. i'm weird...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/04/2004 03:45:00 AM.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.

They sing when they want to cry.

They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.

They fight for what they believe in.

They stand up to injustice.

They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without so their family can have.

They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.

They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards.

They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding.

Their hearts break when a friend dies.

They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.

They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.

noe who they are??
haha! i am a feminist... oops... but i'm sure guys can do the same... juz tt they r not as opened abt it.. RITE???

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/01/2004 04:19:00 PM.

i think i NEED to be more subdued...
i SHOULD be more subdued...
i HAFTA be more subdued....
dunno why.. juz suddenly feel tt i shld be more subtle.. althou nothing happened to trigger dis feeling..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 7/01/2004 04:11:00 PM.