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+ a wEiRd gAL
+ 22nd May
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004

yes.. good news..
i haf got tonsilitis...
now, u may ask.. wat on earth is tonsilitis??
(pardon me if i sound sacarstic.. becos an ignorant silly fren o mine compared my tonsilitis to her PIMPLEs....... she's got three, in fact..)
it's somethin like ulcers on the throat..
it hurts like mad.........................
i'm in agony most o the time.. do u noe how many times u actually swallow ur saliva in a day? from my "controlled" experience, i do it at least twice every 3 minutes...
it hurts like mad..........................
i got it yesterday... n it all began with a very sore throat n a fever tt gave me torturous nerve pulls in my head now n then...
after i endured for a day, n finally checked my throat in the mirror, i saw them...
white, fat,disgusting-looking ulcers on my tonsils...
pls... go away....
u're hurting me.......... n i hate it.....

~bao~ caught a falling star on 12/15/2004 01:53:00 AM.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

do i haf a new fren again?
disturbance.. kindly identify urself.. =)

~bao~ caught a falling star on 12/09/2004 10:59:00 PM.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

jing jing is getting on my nerves..................
n i'm tired........ boo..........................

~bao~ caught a falling star on 12/07/2004 01:26:00 AM.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

back.... n broke from taiwan........
n traumatised when i saw my blog..
thanx to my dearest PJ, Min Min n BGF...... for "defending" my blog..........
PJ is rite.. only my dearest frens haf access to my blog.............
sorry eugene..................
i hafta figure out wat to do next.............
but it's not a good time to think when i am bombarded with so many things the moment i am back.....................

~bao~ caught a falling star on 11/30/2004 02:44:00 PM.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

i'm sorry but... i've got the creeps..
no offense eugene.. but i dunno who u r.. n it's giving me the creeps to noe tt a stranger who noes me is reading my private blog... (yes, i noe.. it's published ONLINE... everyone who can see it can see it.. but still..)
so pls.. let me noe who u r..
no offense.. but.. i am truly traumatised.. now i noe why my fren tried to keep her blog impersonal...
i am goin off to taiwan tmr...
i will be thinking abt this...
haha... but i will haf fun still...

~bao~ caught a falling star on 11/25/2004 01:13:00 AM.

Friday, November 19, 2004

exams r over.... yay...................
sorry.. i meant to sound more enthusiastic than this...
sigh... i think it's the pre-taiwan syndrome getting to me.. plus a slight tinge o pms.. i can't believe i hafta go to taiwan with that.... yucks... help... poor women...
n my STUPID MOUSE is irritating me at this very juncture.. tt dumb thing.. it keeps goin up n down. n that's all it does.. no lefts, no rights... i wish i can bite it.. n it will hurt..
told u i am having pms... i am... having violent thots..
plus.. i am BROKE................
i guess this is enuf to make me grouchy for the rest o the hols... n i can't work cos o stupid FYP! yucks... dun care... i will find some ways to earn $ in dec..
tt's not how it's supposed to be.. exams r over, for goodness sake!!!
$ will cheer me up.. i am a materialistic gal...
SHOW ME THE MONEY.................................................................................................
thank you............

~bao~ caught a falling star on 11/19/2004 01:36:00 AM.

Your a gorgous girl. Probaly every boy would fall
for you:) But sometimes your a little spoiled
like me(lol) Also you probaly get lots of mail
if you know what I mean;)

What Type Of Girl Are You???(Amazing Pics)
brought to you by

~bao~ caught a falling star on 11/19/2004 01:30:00 AM.

Monday, November 15, 2004

u noe wat's FREAKING me out?!?!!?
it's the fact tt i THOUGHT i haf been studying real HARD these few days.. only to discover tt i haf learnt NOTHIN of wat i haf been memorizing...
ok.. so mayb i haven been studying tt hard... mayb i haf been a tad TOO distracted for my own good....
so!!! wat's left for me to do now is to study REAL hard for the next 2 days...
n make sure wat i've memorized stays in my BRAIN!!!
is there anythin to eat to help??
there... taking the easy way out again..

~bao~ caught a falling star on 11/15/2004 02:14:00 AM.